How to STOP Working Overtime and START Finding Time for Your Side Hustle
From overworked, time-starved employee to successful side hustler and budding entrepreneur
By the end of this course you will be able to...
There will be no unexpected deadlines, no rushing to squeeze everything in. You'll know exactly how to set out your diary so that what needs to get done, gets done, with time to spare before the deadline rolls around.
No more days filled with constant distractions, never having the time to concentrate on the real work. There'll be no need to take work home because you'll fit it all into your day.
Procrastination will be a thing of the past. You'll have plenty of simple strategies to make sure you don't waste time because you're putting off the hard stuff. Getting started and getting it ticked off will be easy.
How to Plan Your Work Day
Maximising Focus
Banishing Procrastination
Implementing Boundaries